The Chilton #8413 Toyota Celica 1986-93 Repair Manual

Coming from the "Total Car Care" series, this is in my opinion the best shop manual you can buy cheaply. It is a large paperback book that covers just about every nut and bolt in these cars and even covers the 4WD (GT4, Alltrac) versions quite extensively! There is only one problem. It has over 200 pages of wiring diagrams but there is NO index for the wiring diagrams! I got annoyed: looking something up took way too long. So I decided to make one myself. The result is below.

You can get the book from, for example, Amazon for about 17$. But beware! Don't be tempted to buy the 1971-1987 pocket sized Chilton "Repair and Tune-up Guide". It tries to cover way too many cars in one small book. The basics are there, but you'll find it lacking as soon as you attempt anything more advanced. There is really no reason to buy it instead of the green chilton, because it's hardly cheaper anyway.

Wiring Diagrams Index

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